As you may (or may have not 😉) noticed, my blog has started to grow quiet. I seem to be posting less and less. I've been asking myself why.
Too busy? Maybe
Too many other things going on? Yes
Are blogs becoming a thing of the past? Probably
Things have become busy ministry-wise at VSIBC. Which I love that. But any busier than 9 years ago when we first started? Maybe a little.
There are lots going on with homeschooling my 3 that are still in school. We have changed up school a good bit and it takes more of my time. That and having 2 high schoolers and one middle schooler takes lots more effort. And I am loving that!
We are also working hard at having a successful little hobby in Storybook Farms. Our little registered goat business is taking off and we've had fun posting videos on YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram showing off our little cuties. Silas and Micah's rabbit business is going well too and hopefully we'll have new babies born in the next week. So taking care of my little budding farm has been fun 🙂
My health has also taken a little bit more effort. Even though things are going well, I'm noticing that things like heat and doing too much, too many days in a row takes a lot out of me so I'm having to pace myself just a little more.
So I guess these are the reasons why I just haven't been blogging as much.
I've been asking myself lately, "Should I keep posting?'
But then there comes something that we talk about as a memory and I'm able to go back in my blog and see a post where I posted pictures and shared my heart on a certain thing that happened in our family. It's almost like our own little history book of the Gimenez family. It's times like that that I am thankful that I took the time to blog.
Or there are times when I was post a devotional type post and the feedback or a personal email I get are such an encouragement to me.
So I've been rolling around in my head. Should I still blog?
For now the answer is yes. It is definitely my intent to have more posts happening because there's just too many crazy things that happening around here that I want to talk about! So we'll see how it goes and hopefully I'll be keeping up better in the near future.