Wednesday, March 12, 2025

He's an Owl!

I know I've mentioned it before, but we really do have the best church family.  VSIBC is so good to us, we are sooo blessed!

At our church, the 50 and above group is called the OWLS.  Older Wiser Loving Saints.  I love it!

So for Patrick's birthday he officially graduated to the Owls.  And since I am married to an owl, that means I get to go to the activities too!  

For the first activity they decided to surprise him for his birthday.

It was so thoughtful.  We laughed and had so much fun!  They are a great group for sure!!

They had everyone bring wedding photos and we had to guess who was who.  That was fun, but not as easy as we thought!

 Being married to this guy is the best.  And I have to say, 50 looks really good on him!

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