We decided we would head to Disney with plans for frequent stops for our Brenna. Her fever was down to 100 and she wanted to go so badly. So, we left right after breakfast to go see Mickey!
I added some flair to Callie's jean jumper to make her look ready to meet Mickey. She looked cute, but after the first 15 mins being in the park, I switched her to more appropriate Florida winter wear!
Riding the Jungle Cruise

Poor Silas, he was so wiped out by lunch time!

One of our many waits in line.
Silas "escaped" from us a few times in line. He is so quick! But, he did so good, too!

Can you tell she's not feeling well? My Brenna was a real trooper throughout the whole day. Of course, it was Disney World, so she did enjoy it, but she started running a fever again in the afternoon. I can always tell in my kiddos eyes when they aren't feeling well.
I love experiencing Disney with my Mom. She's just like a kid again and wants to ride everything and fit everything in to our day. It's so fun!
My poor Callie Grace was pretty wiped out.

Silas loved the play area outside of Winnie the Pooh. I think it was one of his favorite things.
And the slide, too. It was a definite favorite!

This is the 3rd time Patrick and I have been to Magic Kingdom together. This is our traditional picture we have had taken every year in front of the castle. I love my man!
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