Monday, June 30, 2014

Happy 18th Birthday Joshua!

 Last Friday was my Josh's 18th birthday.  Since we knew we had a doctor appointment that day, we decided to leave a day early and take Josh, Beth and Brenna with us for mini-trip before his birthday.  We had such a great time!!! We went to lunch and spent the afternoon at DisneyQuest.  Then, we got a hotel near my doctors and played games, laughed and made lots of precious memories.  After my appointment, we drove back to Fort Myers.    Then, he opened his gifts with our whole family.

 We told him that his Grandparents were coming over for cake.  What he didn't realize is that we invited some of his friends, too.  It was a lot of fun!

 Happy Birthday my Josh!  Even though you are 18, you will always, always be my little boy!  I love you!!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

This is Summer

 My family is loving our pool!  In fact, I hear splashing in the pool as I'm typing this post.  It's an everyday occurance around here and I love it!
 Somehow, it was just me and Patrick and little Micah Roo home together.  Patrick decided to take Micah in for a quick swim.  I love the photos I captured of their laughter!

 As soon as I get my PICC line out, my first stop is for a jump in this pool!

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Today was a good day!

I am so happy to tell you that today was a good day!  It may not seem like much, but today I have not had to lay down and rest!  That's a mark of improvement. 

I have never been one that will take many naps.  I do on Sundays....ahhhh I love a good Sunday nap.  I would take a snooze if one of the kids had a rough night.  But for the most part during my kiddos naptime is my sew/read/goof-off time!   So, Patrick could usually tell how I was feeling by my fatigue.  Shortly after we arrived in St. Barths I became exhausted.  I would fall asleep on the couch by 5:30.  My doctor wonders if I actually had Lyme then. 

Many have asked specific questions about my treatment and what I'm taking. I by no means want to turn this into a Lyme blog, but for the sake of helping me remember and to try and help others facing this confusing illness, I will keep documenting this journey with Lyme and give some specifics about my medication.  But, for the most part you will be seeing my kiddos adorable faces, ministry news, and maybe a quilty project mixed in.  (I'm getting the sewing bug!) was a good day!  We're praying for another one tomorrow just like it!!

Friday, June 20, 2014

VBS at Winkler

My kids were so excited to participate in VBS this year!  My older three loved working and being a part of this ministry.  Silas and Callie loved going everyday!  
 Callie was on the red team and Silas was on the blue.  I love how they still wanted to sit next to each other, even if they were on opposing teams!

 We went on Thursday to see the beginning rally time.  Micah loved seeing all the kids.  But, he was quite distracted by the super hero in blue!  (aka Josh)

 Lots of our teens participated and helped out.  Elisabeth was a teacher's assistant for 4th-6th grade girls.  Brenna helped with the 4 and 5 year olds.  And Josh was the teacher for 1st-3rd grade boys.  He was able to lead 3 boys to Christ this week!

 Josh was The Blue Blurr super hero.

 Oooppps.. This picture wasn't supposed to be in here!  Sorry Emily!  :o)

 Our Youth Pastor, Bro. Joe Calger, did a great job organizing everything.  There was so much excitement!  And it was great how he used the resource of the teens in his youth department.  I love how he is training workers for the future!

The Blue Blurr leading songs.  He had a great time singing with the kids.

So thankful for this ministry my kids could serve in and the souls saved this week!  

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


I haven't posted in a while.  Treatment has been a little tough.  I started my Antibiotics and within 24 hours I felt horrible.  My arm was very painful where the PICC line was put in and my previous symptoms decided to multipy.  My fatigue hit me hard, my chest pressure was so strong, and I just ached all over. I took my pain meds that decided to give me migraines...It was a rough first week!

  But, the second week I started to have a little more energy and was able to tolerate the pain a little more.  And my arm felt better!  I am not any better than when I started, but we knew this wasn't going to be a quick fix.  My husband has been amazing. Everyday he cleans my PICC line, flushes it, gives me my antibiotics, carefully watches when to hook up the second bag, and flushes it again.  He really meant it when he said, "In sickness and in health."  So thankful for him!

After being on the couch the first week, I'm thankful to be up and around and trying to be Momma again.  So thankful for the Lord being so faithful to me!  His mercies are new every morning!

Saturday, June 7, 2014

And so the treatment begins....

Yesterday Patrick and I took our trip to Brooksville (about 3 hours away) to see our new doctor.  I'm so thankful for a husband who likes to leave early since 75 was backed up with some accidents.  We saw 3 in a row!  We arrived with 15 minutes to spare.  

I was pretty nervous.  Actually very nervous.  The internet can be a wonderful thing for information, and sometimes that information can be scary.  I read about the possibilities of what our day would hold.  And if you're looking for reviews on anybody, you are going to find some negatives.  So, with my brain on info-overload, we went back to our room.  Patrick was calm as usual.  He is exactly what I need!  The doctor came in.  She seemed rushed, but very confident.  She knew exactly what treatment she wanted to do....PICC line. 

Since Lyme has been in my body for quite a while, a few weeks of oral antibiotics isn't going to cut it.  A PICC line is similar to an IV, but they thread a small tube through that sits on top of the heart.  It can stay in place long term, so I won't have to be poked everyday.

  So, as I walked back to the room for the procedure I was scared.  Of course at that moment a man in the other room became "non-responsive" and they had to call 911.  Oh boy!  By the time they called the ambulance he was talking and doing better.  His wife said he just got out of the hospital after a 3 week stay and wasn't too happy about having to take him back.  I looked over at Patrick....still calm.  He knew I had the "flight" look in my eyes and told me it was going to be okay. 

 In the room the doctor measured from my arm, up to my shoulder and to my heart.  44 centimeters.  Then, he began disinfecting.  There were 3 alcohol bags, and 3 iodine swabs.  That took some time.  Then, the fun blue drapes.  I don't think I really like that color of blue!
  Then, he started opening up clear baggies of stuff....I turned my head of course.  The stick was a little worse than an IV, but not too completely horrible.  It's my mind that I have the most war with!  The doctor spent a few minutes threading the tube. I felt some discomfort in my upper arm for a slight moment, but other than that I didn't feel anything.  Then, it was done!  They sent me for an Xray to make sure it was placed properly in my chest, and after that I went to the infusion center for my first treatment.  Half way through Patrick smiled cutely and said, "Feel any different?"  If only it were that quick!

   They trained Patrick how to care and clean and administer medication through my line.  I am on two antibiotics, Rocephin and Merrem, that I will have once a day for at least three weeks.  I will go back to Brooksville once a week for three weeks to see the doctor and have a dressing change.  After that we will see how I'm doing and decide the next phase of treatment.

We are very happy to have some meds in my body and to start treatment.  I'm thankful for a doctor wanting to start treating aggressively, but not too fast as to cause other problems.   Thank you for your prayers.  We are so thankful to have reached this step!