Wednesday, October 9, 2019

New Port...Praying this one stays!

 Last week I had a new port put in. I was a little nervous that this one would fail like the last one did. My home infusion nurse said that she had a friend that worked in the Interventional Radiology Department and she would make sure and have her check on me. When I arrived I knew my veins wouldn't cooperate for the IV. But praise the Lord, after three nurses they were finally able to get in and IV. And I was good to go, It just reconfirmed my need for a port. And in the middle of getting an IV I had the nurse's friend check on me. It was so sweet of her. Then it was off to get my port. As they wheeled me into the room they let me know that I had the attending doctor this time. There was nobody training on me. I'm thankful to have UF Shands Hospital and the training they do is so very important. And I know that it normally doesn't turn out the way I had it turn out. But it was comforting to know that I had the best! And I have a feeling the nurse's friend had something to do with it. When I arrived back in recovery and Patrick saw my incision he was quite impressed. It looks a lot different than the first one did! It's a very thin line and it looks like it is stitched very well.

 So far I've been quite sore. More sore than I was with the last one. Could that be a good sign? Not so sure. But I seem to be healing well. Next week we will access the port for the first time. A new experience for me!
 I'm so thankful for my family that has taken over so much for me just so I could be still amd rest. Sweet granddaughter visits help a lot too :-) and my church family has showered me with amazing food! God is so good to me!


  1. Thanking God for these praise reports. May God continue to help you as you go through each step and most of all may the port stay in the proper location until it is no longer needed. Hugs. xx

  2. I am so happy to hear that it went well. I prayed for you about that this morning even before I read your post.

  3. Praying for you!!!
