Saturday, February 29, 2020

Remember this moment

It was so nice to be able to go down to Fort Myers for a couple of days to spend with my parents.  While we were there Callie asked if we could get down my wedding dress from the attic for her to try on. After my brave Beth climbed the ladder and pulled down the box we began getting out the shoes, the dress, and the veil.  Callie was so excited!!

The shoes were a little on the big side, but she tried them on anyway.  Then, I helped her put on the dress.  Wow!  It is heavy!  I buttoned up the many buttons in the back and she just giggled and smiled.

 Then, it was time for the veil.  I put her hair in a mini bun first, then clipped on the veil.  As I did, I thought to myself, "Kami, remember this moment."   One day I will be putting on her veil for real.  I will clip it on her beautiful hair and I'm sure I will have tears in my eyes as I treasure the moment of her wedding day.  I will glance in her eyes one more time as my little girl and know that she is about to become a Mrs.

  One day.

But, I know that day will come all too soon.  My Beth and Brenna are closer than she is.  And even though there isn't a special someone on the horizon, I know he is just around the corner and it will come all too soon when I will do the same for them.

As I clipped on the veil for Callie for our dress-up time, I had tears in my eyes.  Her day will come all too soon.  I know there are many moments between now and then.  My prayer is to cherish each and every one.

It's so easy to get caught up in the busyness of life.  Instead of sitting with a cup of tea and letting her just chat, I too easily choose to fold laundry or take care of another household duty.  Instead of stopping and playing that game with her, I choose to shoot a quick text to someone about upcoming plans.  Instead of looking her right in the eye, I choose other things.  These moments will one day no longer be an opportunity for me to enjoy.  My prayer is to remember the "Veil Moment" and cherish these precious moments right now.   I must cherish the now that will one day pass because her "veil moment" is just around the corner.                             


  1. Callie looks so pretty. It's so true that life is busy and we let real connection moments pass us by. At least you will have this sweet memory now to enjoy until the 'veil moment' and beyond.

  2. Such a good reminder to cherish the moments now, Kami. Thank you.
