Monday, February 3, 2020

Hymn for February

Anyone feel like me in that January flew by?  I mean super quick!  What a good month, though.  And I'm so thankful that I had the focus of the hymn, "Be Thou My Vision."  As I sang this hymn, and quoted Psalm 16:8-9, it strengthened me for everything that the month held.  There were some unexpected things, some bumps in the road, and some wonderful blessings.  What a month!

I am looking forward to February and all the things the Lord will do in my life this month.  It's a short one, and it's already the 3rd, so I am ready to jump in with the hymn of the month for February!

For this month I have chosen the hymn, "I Need Thee Every Hour."  The tune to this hymn is very contemplative.  It really makes me stop and think.  The words are so convicting!  I love the story behind the hymn, but that is for another post!  Read through the words.  Think about them.

  1. I need Thee every hour, most gracious Lord;
    No tender voice like Thine can peace afford.
    •  I need Thee, oh, I need Thee;
      Every hour I need Thee;
      Oh, bless me now, my Savior,
      I come to Thee.
  2. I need Thee every hour, stay Thou nearby;
    Temptations lose their pow’r when Thou art nigh.
  3. I need Thee every hour, in joy or pain;
    Come quickly and abide, or life is vain.
  4. I need Thee every hour; teach me Thy will;
    And Thy rich promises in me fulfill.
  5. I need Thee every hour, most Holy One;
    Oh, make me Thine indeed, Thou blessed Son.

I have also created a playlist to be able to listen to the hymn. 

The verse that I will be memorizing is Psalm 18:1-2

"I will love thee, O LORD, my strength.  The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer;  my God, my strength, in whom I will trust:  my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower."

What a good month this is going to be!  I plan to fill it with songs of praise to the Lord because He is worthy of our praise!

1 comment:

  1. Yes January did fly by and I am glad to see February. Another lovely hymn.A playlist is a great idea. Blessings and hugs, xx
