We decided to change things up a bit for our animals. We put our pig, Josie Pie, in with our goats for a few days. It's funny to see them react to each other. Josie Pie is clueless to the goats around her. She's just enjoying eating everything in sight!

After a few days, and many escapes by Josie Pie, we put her back in her pen. Oh well. It was fun and for a little bit! The pen we have her in, though, has gotten quite small. Or I guess I should say that she is growing and getting bigger! Yay! She's doing well....she's just truly a little piggy and eats plenty! And do you notice Courduroy in this picture? He's growing so much! What a buck!!
LOL it's funny to hear how the animals are behaving. Josie has beautiful long eyelashes. I've mostly seen pink pigs with blond eyelashes so the brown ones are new to me :-) The goats are all quite large by the look of the photo. So they are thriving.