As kiddos are little, in some ways you really aren't their friend. I mean, what friend tells you what to do constantly and gives consequences if you don't? ;o) So I do understand that philosophy. But when you love someone dearly and spend your time caring for them, you are "friends." When you want to be with them and receive joy from just making them smile, you are their friend. When the majority of your life revolves around making sure they are fed, protected, sheltered and secure, that really is friendship.
I have found that my friendship with these little people that God has given me just continues to grow. It grows and deepens as they move from child to preteen. Although that friendship goes through some rocky seasons as we readjust to one another and the changing phases of life, the friendship continued to grow. And in the teen years as they are figuring things out and as I "cut some apron strings" the friendship grows to a new level. We spend time together and have many more mutual interests. Heart to to heart talks become more and more frequent and you find you are learning just as much as them as they grow.
Then the adult season comes. I never realized how much more the friendship with my children could grow and blossom, but it does. We have much in common and love spending time together. Yes, I am their friend. And they are mine.
Then, I talked them in to scoping out a Dollar Tree we had never been to. I found some neat things! And we made more memories and laughed and enjoyed this special time together.
I am thankful for friendships with my children. It seems like I was just trying to decide about being their friend when they were little. I'm glad we decided yes!
My mother was a good friend of mine and I to her. I think friendships with your children is a wonderful thing :-)