Wednesday, September 8, 2021

This House ~ She Builds

I have so enjoyed meditating on Proverbs 14:1, "Every wise woman buildeth her house...." 

Her HOUSE.  This home that I have from the Lord can be peaceful.  And it can be chaotic.

It can look like a tornado hit.  And it can look like it's ready for company.

It can be neat and clean and smell nice.  And it can have projects scattered everywhere and smell like burnt toast. 

When I think about building my house, I often think of the physical side of my home....the structure and the things in it.   God's Word says that I am to be Keeper of my Home.  That's a command given to women!  I know it's popular to fight that.  It's popular to not want to shoulder the responsibility of keeping a home in order, peaceful, and functioning well.  But, God's Word clearly says it is the responsibility of the lady of the house.

  Now, there are definitely times and seasons when my family became that keeper.  When I don't feel well it's unbelievable all the things my husband and girls do to take care of our home.  They are amazing!  It really gives me the giggles because when I feel bad enough to have to go lay down and stay that way for the day, my husband immediately starts the washer.  Immediately.  Sure do love that man!  So, even though it is good for everyone in the family to help around the house and take care of it, the Bible says in Titus 2:5 that I am the one to be the keeper.  I am to guard it and keep it.  That definitely includes the caring of the home.  

If we choose to rest in this command, keeping the home is not a burden.  It can be a wonderful joy to have a home that honors the Lord.  It is a way for us to glorify God!

Let me be completely honest though....I don't post the pictures of my home that I don't want anyone to see.  We all have dirty dishes.  And dirty laundry.  We all have dust and places needing to be cleaned.  So, while I do not have it all together in the domestic part of keeping the home, I do have some tips I've learned over the years and some things that I am working on that I thought I would share here:

~Don't strive for perfection.  It's okay to have legos on the floor while a massive 3 foot long truck is being built.  It's okay for their to be dust on the fan blades and cheerios under your couch.  While we try to keep our home clean and straightened, don't strive for perfection.  Don't be a drill sergeant that doesn't let your family actually LIVE in your home.  Put together a puzzle on the counter and leave it until it's done.  Even if it's a week.  One day you may be in a season where you have all the time in the world to make sure every inch is clean.  If you're not in that season, enjoy the crumbs, toys, and papers.  It's evidence of who is in your home.

~Prepare the night before.  I have found that if I prestart the coffeepot, finish any dishes in the sink, and even lay out my clothes, my morning (and the whole day!) goes much smoother.  I wake up at peace and ready to tackle this day.  (not the leftovers from the day before)  Look for ways you can prepare for the coming day.  This is also beneficial for your quiet times in the morning.  If you know the basics are done, you can fully give the Lord your attention.

~Minimalize where possible.  I have to admit it, I have been a little bit on a minimal kick.  There is just a sense of freedom and joy when you fill a bag to go drop at the thrift store.  You know someone else will use what you no longer have a use for.  And you make space for the things that really matter.  I've heard you shouldn't have any cabinet completely full.  If you strive for your drawers and cabinets to be 2/3 full it's much easier to put things away.  It is so true! My goal that I'm trying to achieve is to make things almost as easy to put in the right place as it is to just set it down.  Still work to do in that department, but we're getting there.

~Don't forget the power in 5 minute room rescues.  We do this quite often around here.  When I feel a little overwhelmed at how much is out and messy in our home, I yell out, "Five minute clean up!!"  We set the timer and rush around the house putting things away.  It's amazing how much you can accomplish in just 5 minutes!

~Enjoy the process.  I know for most of us, we don't find a whole lot of joy in dishes, or laundry.  But, that's our choice.  We get to choose to have joy.  So, why not find joy in the tasks that God has given you?  Look for ways to make your chores meaningful.  

    *Have a 3x5 card with a memory verse and work on it while doing dishes.

    *While folding laundry, pray for the one who will wear that item.

    *Listen to podcasts or sermons while you work.

    *Put on peppy music as you clean and sing along!

    *Have a reward for when you're done.  That way you can look forward to a walk in the cool air, or time to sit and read, or play a game of Uno.

Being a "Keeper of my Home" is my calling.  God has commanded me to have this responsibility.  I can choose to find fulfillment in it, or I can choose to complain about it.  I can do it heartily and enjoy the rewards of an orderly home, or I can procrastinate and put off what I should be doing.  We really do have that choice.  I have seen and lived both sides.  It's just so much better to do things God's Way!