Silas has become my little helper lately. He loves to help anyone do anything, and the pure look of joy he gives me when I praise him is priceless! I asked him if he wanted to help me ice the glasses for lunch. When he heard the word "help" he came running! (And yes, we washed our hands first. Mom always said it was the 1st rule of a good cook! Anyone know the 2nd?)

He so sweetly filled the cups with ice, trying to make them even. Just like he sees his sisters doing.

But, then his 2 year old curiousity and love for ice kicked in. Hhhhm, Who's cup did that piece go into?

Such a sweet helper!! I taught Logan and Chloe "the first rule of a good cook" too! We do sooooo much stuff like Mom don't we?!?!?!