Easter morning started out bright and early preparing for church. Every Sunday morning is busy for us, but Easter just seems a little extra busy. Everyone seems to want to make sure there is some pastel or pretty color in their wardrobe. When flowers are blooming, we want to look pretty, too! ;o) With me being gone all week it seemed especially tricky getting everything all together. Micah has learned how to tie a half windsor and he was so excited to wear it this way for church. It only took him about an hour to get it done! ;o)
And of course the Easter Bunny comes that morning, too. My kids and I joke about this. We've always been very honest with them about the Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus. They are like Mickey Mouse, they are not real, but fun to pretend and act silly with. I woke the kids that morning by announcing "I just saw a giant white cottontail bouncing away from the house and I think he left candy behind!!"
Then, it was off to church.....our favorite place to be!
It was super busy at VSIBC! We had a record attendance that day of 115! Praise the Lord!
My Josh with his girls. He's so proud of each of them and loves them so much. Aren't they a beautiful family!
This lady right here made a yummy ham with ALL the fixins'! It was so delicious!
I sure am thankful for a wonderful holiday with my family. But, I'm even more thankful for a Risen Saviour! Because He lives we have hope of heaven. Because He lives we have a life that we can live for Him. Because He lives I can face tomorrow with a peace that only He can give!!
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