Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Adding to the Flock

Brenna and I were talking this morning about how God keeps providing in so many ways.  It's amazing to see how He gives blessings.  We had another blessing today.  We received a call from a friend that her neighbor wanted to give away her chickens and wanted to know if we'd be interested.  Sure!

Callie was super excited since chickens are her thing.  She loves them!  The 10 chickens she has are doing great, and finally laying again.  It's so fun to have a fridge full of blue, green, and brown eggs.

We were given 6 more to add to the flock.  There are Rhode Island Reds, Golden Sex Link,  Golden Laced Wyandotte and a Lavendar Orpington.  She's been working on cute names for all of them.

We've separated them for now and will evenutally, gradually, add them to the rest of the flock.

Farm life sure is fun!


1 comment:

  1. I think it's so cool that Callie loves chickens. Looks like she will have enough to keep her busy for awhile.
